
Little Cab Launches Book A Doctor Service On Its App


Little Cab has partnered with over 200 medical specialists to offer patient booking services on the Little App, dubbing it Book a Doctor. It has 2 main aims. The first is to offer customers a selection of specialists to choose from. The second one is to give the option of pre-booking your rides to your appointments. Essentially, you get to find a doctor and get transport to and from the hospital.

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Little Cab: Book A Doctor

For now, the feature is currently in the pilot phase with a little over 200 specialists. It hopes to see 500 more specialists on the system by the end of 2021. Here’s how it works:

The first step is to download and open the app. Then swipe up to find the Book A Doctor option

Next, select the option and choose the specialist you want to consult.

If you cannot find what you are looking for, you can search for it with the search bar above then select it:

After this, the app presents you with a selection of doctors in that field, their names, hospitals/clinics and their consultation fees:

Aside from this, Little is also making plans to include home-based COVID-19 care services and at-home lab tests. Speaking at the launch, Little CEO Kamal Budhabhatti, spoke explained more on how the app would work.

“Based on our consumer research, average waiting time at a Doctor’s clinic can be up to 40 minutes. We intend to reduce this waiting time through the streamlined booking system we have developed.”

She notes that:

  1. All appointments, whether booked on Little App or direct walk-ins, will be saved in the clinic’s booking system provided for the clinics.
  2. Patients are able to receive alerts when a booking is expected to delay. This is for better planning on the patient’s side while avoiding crowding and long waiting time at the clinics.
  3. We are working hand in hand with key players in the medical field to develop this feature. We will continue to modify it, based on feedback from our customers and partner doctors.
  4. Clinics are also able to schedule Little rides for their customers, to and from the clinic. This will ease patient movement in and out of health facilities.

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