Surprise, surprise, surprise, two-year-old Infinix Note 5 has received the Android 10 update. The device which launched in 2018 running on Android 8.0 Oreo was updated to Android 9.0 Pie last year and in keeping Android One’s promise, the phone has now been updated to Android 10.
Before you run to the comments sections to complain why your Infinix phone has no software update, keep in mind that the Infinix Note 5 falls under the Android One project which promises two years of software updates and three years of security updates since the software is pure as Google wants it to be.
The Infinix Note 5 Android 10 upgrade brings along January 2020 Security patch and the following changes:
- System-wide dark mode.
- Improved AI Camera with AR Shot and upgraded Google Lens capable with live translation.
- Better app permissions
- Gesture navigation
- Improved Google Assistant navigation
- Wi-Fi Sharing via QR codes
- Focus mode in Digital Well-being which limits distractions by greying out addictive apps and hiding their notifications
- Smart responses on all messaging apps
Those who have the Infinix Note 5, this is how to go about updating your phone:
Go to Settings – System – System Update and check for updates. The software version is X604-H633H-Q-191227V306 and comes in at 1.1 GB so make sure you are connected to a Wi-Fi connection before proceeding. Keep your phone charged as well, ensure that it’s not below 50% before proceeding with the update.
Do you have an Infinix Note 5? What do you think of Android 10?
Have been trying to upgrade my infinix note 5 but after checking, it only brings out the exact time the update was checked, and nothing more. What can I do
Same here. I can’t update its latest it’s just showing the current date and time.
Have you gotten a solution?