CarsRocket Science

Sony Surprises Everyone With The Reveal Of Its New Electric Car

Image courtesy Deezen

When you are at a presentation event by a company like Sony, the least you would actually expect is for them to reveal a car. Well, not for the audience at CES 2020, who to their pleasant surprise was treated to a new electric car prototype that Sony has been working on and will continue to.

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The four-door fully electric sedan, called Vision-S, took to the stage with a goal of showcasing the tech companies diverse strengths. Well, they don’t have to convince us twice as absolutely no one had an idea that this would be one of the products up for presentation.

With Sony’s famous expertise on camera sensors, one of the main highlights of the Vision-S, of course, was the various sensors that it would carry. According to Sony, the Vision-S features 33 sensors inside and outside mainly for detection during autonomous driving and for detecting the car’s occupants for gesture control detection.

This is alongside an ultra-wide dashboard-spanning screen, 360-degree audio and always-on connectivity, with some pieces coming from companies like BlackBerry and Bosch.

The external design tends to look a lot like a Porsche from the streamline to the headlights but Sony is yet to show what kind of finesse the car will brag of. Speaking on stage, Sony’s CEO emphasised the prototype is set to embody the company’s “contribution to the future of mobility”.

This, however, leaves us in a daze as no information was revealed on whether Sony plans to begin production or whether they even intend on producing it at all. This is mainly because the car was revealed at the tail end of Sony’s CES press conference, where the PS5 logo was also unveiled.

Much is yet to be known about the Vision-S but it has definitely excited the masses since no one expected this from a giant known mainly for personal, home and entertainment tech.

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