Safaricom Beats Zuku As The Largest Fibre Internet Provider in Kenya

Safaricom Home Fibre

This may not come as much of a surprise to everyone to know that Safaricom’s goal of being the country’s biggest data provider is now a reality. Thanks to a report from Communications Authority Of Kenya, the leading telecom now stands in the first place, knocking out the previously reigning Zuku. This is owed hugely to the aggressive Fiber growth that Safaricom has been undertaking over the last couple of years, taking to the top for a number of quarters now. This has even been at the expense of the company’s market share but apparently, the efforts have paid off.

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According to the report from CA, Safaricom impressively increased its number of subscriptions by 16,779 to 154,603 from last quarter. This then accounts for a 3-time growth rate compared to Zuku’s own 5,199 from last quarter. However, the rival provider owned by Wananchi Group trails close behind at 151,548 subscriptions.

Service Provider Number of subscriptions % market share
Safaricom Plc 154,603 34.0
Wananchi Group 151,548 33.3
Jamii Telecom 66,572 14.6
Poa Internet Kenya 39,533 8.7
Internet Solutions 15,744 3.5
Mawingu Networks 10,055 2.2
Liquid Telecom 9,499 2.1
Telkom Kenya 4,744 1.0
Frontier Optical 555 0.1
Other Fixed providers 2,037 0.4

To address the elephant in the room, yes, the report also shows that the total international bandwidth for the country has increased from 5,374.02 Gbps up from 4,707.0 Gbps. The 14.2% growth would then mean that internet users across the country have better internet experiences, which has sort of not been the case for every user, especially for the two internet providers.

Nevertheless, the positive graph is thanks to the activation of the undersea fibre optic cable, EAASy, to cater to the growing demand. On the same statistics report, this places EASSy at a better place or the future, seeing that undersea capacities for TEAMS and SEACOM haven’t risen as much as the former.

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