TikTok has become one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in the world, so much so that the U.S government is accusing the platform of being a threat to national security, beating the likes of Instagram to this worthy title.
Irrational politicians aside, someone else has been eyeing TikTok and salivating at its growth. See, TikTok was created in September 2016 and in just three years, the platform has garnered over 523 Million users who spend an average of 52 minutes on the app every day.
These numbers are what is turning on Instagram. The Facebook-owned platform that is now famous for ripping off competitors features is planning on launching a TikTok-like feature.
According to Jane Wong, a renowned app developer, Instagram’s TikTok ripoff will be known as “Scenes”. As per her findings, Scenes will be a video editing tool that will be baked into stories that will allow Instagram users to essentially create TikTok videos within IG.
“You are given music, video speed, timer, AR Effect, etc to edit each clip. Other users will be able to remix your “Scenes” if your account is public,” she said.

Image Courtesy Jane Wong
Why Would Instagram Want TikTok?
IG has always had the fear of being irrelevant. That’s why they ripped off Snapchat stories and they keep borrowing filter ideas from the ghost platform and it now facing the same threat from TikTok.
Instagram was launched in October 2010 and currently has 1 Billion users who spend 53 minutes on the platform daily. People are not only spending as much time as IG as they are on a fairly new platform but the new buzz is attracting a much younger generation.
With TikTok topping the charts as the most downloaded app of 2019, let’s see of Instagram’s copy-paste culture will have any negative impact on the platform.
Do you use TikTok or are you part of the generation that things TikTok is the sound a clock makes?