AIRocket Science

This Robot That Performs Gymnastics Will Leave You Shocked As Well

boston dynamics robotics
Image: Boston Dynamics

We all woke up well and expecting the day to bring in new stuff. But waking to a video of a robot that does better flips than you ever could was definitely not on the list. The latest clip from an American robotics company, Boston Dynamics has pretty much left every social media visitor dumbfounded.

Over the past few years, the world has been introduced to Atlas that has navigated terrains and even jumped around during a military training course. But for this one, everyone admits is on a whole new level. The bipedal robot does a handstand, rolls around and even does a few jumping twists. Yet this is all without losing balance at all.

According to the company, a new workflow was implemented to help Atlas pull off all these moves. This is while also reducing development time and achieving a performance success rate of about 80%. This would sound so great if only it didn’t sound harder than rocket science.

But as many may argue that this will never be as perfect as human movement, the company has one goal. This is to have the robots independently navigate hazardous environments. What excites, even more, is the world’s reaction to this new presentation.

Additionally, Boston Dynamics’ Spot is now available for those who want a robotic companion for commercial use. While individuals can’t purchase the doglike robot, enterprise customers can deploy a pack to help on construction, plant operations, and public safety jobs. Whether it’s as useful as a human worker or not, Spot is sure to impress corporate clients.

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