
Microsoft Teams Makes Updates To Reduce Bandwidth Usage

microsoft teams
Image courtesy Microsoft

Working from home means you don’t get to see your workmates as often as you used to. Fortunately for most companies, video conferencing apps like Microsoft Teams and Zoom came to the rescue. For most of the meetings, it’s been smooth sailing but all hell breaks loose when you have to turn on your cameras.

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Well now both apps, most recently Microsoft Teams are focusing on prioritizing audio over the video so that you don’t miss a beat.

Microsoft Teams Working Out ‘Camera On’ Internet Issues

The Team’s group is addressing bandwidth problems for people who are using the collaboration platform to work from home. The company is taking a leaf from Zoom’s strategy, which prioritizes audio over the video to make sure users are heard over a poor broadband connection.

The company states they are introducing a new low data mode that allows users to cap the amount of data that will be used during Teams video calls. This will also help establish different settings based on network availability.

Microsoft says they will start rolling its low data feature to users this month. As OnMSFT notes, the feature allows users to limit the amount of data used in video calls. The new experience should help them save data on their mobile device or join a meeting in a location with a poor network connection.

Another New Feature

The app already allows users to switch devices in active meetings. Now, this capability is now coming to the Calling experience in Teams. According to Microsoft, this new Teams update will let users transfer an ongoing Teams call (i.e., VoIP, PSTN, or Group calls) between devices.

It should also be able to let you add a second device to the same call to present content. To use this feature, users will need to be logged in with the same account on both devices.

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