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The LG InstaView Refrigerator Has a Disinfecting Feature For Your Drinking Water

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It’s exciting to imagine the kind of comfort and peace of mind that technology brings to our families especially in a room as widely-used as the kitchen.  The kitchen, as an important part of a home, has been significantly influenced by the revolutionary trend of healthy living. No wonder LG electronics is investing heavily in blending hygiene enhancing features with their home appliances.

For instance, LG’s latest InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerator feature that sanitizes water dispenser with ultraviolet light for safe drinking water has revolutionized the concept of hygiene for the consumer. This feature could not have come at a better time owing to the growing concern on hygiene at the height of the ongoing global pandemic where healthy living is key to developing a stronger immune system to fight off infections.

Research shows that ultraviolet light can completely destroy harmful microorganisms, making ultraviolet water treatment one of the most effective methods for sterilizing and disinfecting bacteria from water.

The ultraviolet light sanitizer built into the latest LG InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerators water dispenser, is designed to fire off automatically once per hour by use of UVnano technology. The ultraviolet light, blankets the water dispenser interior with powerful UV-C light capable of killing up to 99.99% of bacteria.

Bacteria’s such as E. coli, staph, and pseudomonas aeruginosa – which can cause pneumonia – are completely removed from the refrigerator’s dispenser tap paving way for clean drinking water.
Besides operating once every hour, UV-C light can also be activated manually whenever you want with the press of a button.

The ultraviolet light sanitization technology adds to the LG’s line of InstaView refrigerators incredible features that have received the world’s most prestigious awards.

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