
Safaricom Announces Tonight’s Service Upgrade That Will Interrupt M-PESA Services

M-PESA outage
Image courtesy RegionWeek

Safaricom has brought to the limelight its plans to have a service upgrade exercise that will affect a number of M-PESA services.

The service upgrade is scheduled to take place tonight from 11 pm to 6 am tomorrow. This is seven-hour maintenance by the company will see an outage on the following services:

  • Safaricom Cloud
  • Lipa na MPESA
  • M-Shwari
  • Safaricom App
  • MPESA Daraja AIO
  • Mobile Banking
  • International Money Transfer
  • VAS services
  • Safaricom Online Support on Twitter and Facebook.

Luckily, Safaricom has made it clear that all other M-PESA and network services will remain intact. This includes withdrawal, sending money and depositing. Data, calls and SMS will also not be affected at all.

The telco has over the last few months been carrying out similar activities.  As of July 2020, they had done over 3 continuous upgrades for their mobile money product. But the telco has been careful enough to announce prior so that subscribers can prepare in case they had planned to use the affected services.

Clearly, there have been some noticeable alterations, especially on M-PESA since these upgrades became a norm this year. One would include the daily transaction limit counter on M-PESA messages.

The reminder comes as an extra statement on every single M-PESA message. With this, users across the country can now get to know the remaining amount of cash they can transact before the daily 300k limit is exhausted. This is especially for businesses and individuals that get to transact a lot of money on M-PESA.

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