
Apple Would Rather Go Wireless Than Share Cables With Android

Apple Cable

A few weeks ago, members of the European Parliament voted in favour of setting a standard for charging cables. That comes as a shock to many users. Why would they do that? Well, the motion was submitted to the European Parliament to combat e-waste by setting policies for charging cables. Sounds pretty convenient for the environment right?  The vote came in at 582-40, the majority leaning towards the standardization of the USB-C attachment.

So, What’s The Controversy?

Apple is like that one rich kid in school that ‘seemingly’ has the best stuff and never wants to share.

Well, Apple has a tendency to keep things private and ‘to themselves’. So much so that just recently, they turned down a request from U.S. Attorney General William Barr. They said they will not help unlock two iPhone devices used by a terrorist suspect last month in the deadly shooting at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla. With this in mind, we get a certain idea of what Apple is about.

When it comes to their displays, however, that’s not the case. The displays are manufactured worldwide by different suppliers. Currently, the iPad’s Screens are made by Samsung, while the MacBook Pro, iPhone, and iPod Touch displays are made by LG Display and Japan Display Inc. So yes they’d like to share but that pales in comparison from what they keep to themselves.

Apart From Apple Sharing Cables, What Else Can’t You Do?

There are so many other things Apple won’t let you do and it all stems around changing what they stand for.

  1. Launcher customization: You’ll use the same launcher throughout and you are not allowed to customize how you’d like your phone to look.
  2. You can’t manage your phones internal storage.
  3. Apple does not give room to add Homepage Widgets to your device.
  4. There’s no back button! NO BACK BUTTON!
  5. There’s no Expandable Storage. You’d have to pay extra for that. Not to mention music as well.
  6. There’s a variety of App Stores on Android.

In my opinion and with what I’ve heard from other iPhone users, they’d rather be different than have to be put in the same class as Android. What do you think?



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