Social MediaSoftware

Facebook To Have More Dead Users Than Living Ones – Report


It is undeniable that despite every scandal and hurdle that Mark Zuckerberg and his team face over the years, Facebook remains to be one of the most noteworthy social media platforms in the world. Its domination even continues to grow and will most likely continue to do so whether we like it or not. This is evident through the report that its Stories feature has 500 million daily users which came as a shock to many and huge bummer to those who despise the social network.

Well, in line with that infamous growth, a recent study done by the University of Oxford reports of data that is likely to come to a reality in the next five decades that is scary even to those who do not use Facebook at all, leave alone those who do.

According to the research, the number accounts on the platform belonging to the deceased might just overwhelm those that belong to users that are alive. This research comes out as intriguing considering the fact that no one had actually predicted and supports claims that the social network will still be up and running fifty years from now.

However, with the growth it has seen this year, at a current rate of 13%, this may very well turn out to be convincing. The study finalizes its findings that 1.4 billion of the current 2.3 billion users will be dead making it an official digital graveyard.

This is carried out in an assumption that the growth rate will remain the same and considering that growth rate, the 1.4 billion number will rise to around 5 billion. This may sound like a horror story but it is most likely that Facebook will have a big role to play in seriously implementing digital rights that have been appearing and vanishing in conversations.

If all this can be avoided, the main question that may arise is why these statistics may come to life and whether it is possible for other rival sites to encounter the same. However, with those scary numbers, the agenda of digital rights will arise again and they will be forced to make it a vital policy.

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