
Here Are 5 Cool Apple Watch Tips You Probably Didn’t Know About

Apple Watch Tips

There’s a lot of things you can do with the Apple Watch and the tips we have here are but a bare minimum of what the watch is capable but small moves make big strides. Let’s take a look shall we.

Apple Watch Tips and Tricks

Find You Phone With Your Apple Watch

As an Apple watch owner/user, you must know about this feature already. By tapping this button on the control center, you will make the phone ring and you are able to find it.

However, something you may not know is that if you long press the button, it will turn on the flashlight on your phone and then you will not only hear it, but see it as well.

Taking A Screenshot

This might seem like a simple thing but you would be shocked how many people do not know this. By pressing these two buttons, you will take the screenshot and it will appear on your photos app. Just make sure to go to settings, General settings and enable screenshots.

Apple Watch Tips

Use the Digital Crown To Control The Volume

Speaking of buttons, you can use the digital crown button to control the volume. Just go to the Now Playing Screen and scroll up and down to control the volume.

Use The Watch As A View Finder or Camera Control

The Apple watch is actually a lot more than you may think. You can open the Camera app on your Apple Watch and use it as the camera view finder. It works best when you wrap it around your smartphone.

Apple Watch Tips

Edit Control Center

This one you might not know because it is new with the WatchOS5 update. When you swipe up for your control center, you can keep swiping and tap on the edit button. This will let you move and rearrange your buttons putting the most important ones first.

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