Team Sayari is an innovative children’s documentary series produced by Kenyan production company White Rhino Films. Sayari is the Swahili word for planet. The show is a collaborative effort between:
- National Geographic
- The Walt Disney Company Africa
- U.S. State Department
- WildlifeDirect
The show aims to inspire and encourage the next generation to become environmental champions who interact with and safeguard the environment and its resources.
Team Sayari on DStv
Team Sayari is set to air on Disney Channel (DStv 303) at 17:05 EAT. You can catch up one episode airing each day from Monday to Friday. The new episodes will continue to showcase fascinating insights, facts, and adventures throughout our natural world.
A team of brilliant youngsters host the show from various parts of Southern, Eastern, and Western Africa. They also serve as field reporters. The series aims to educate and encourage children to take action to conserve the world’s biodiversity in a fun way.
Who better to get the information to kids than kids themselves? Mysha Hodson, Marita Lucas, Shanah Manjeru, Railey Mwai, and Adarsh Nagda serve are the hosts so far, inspiring and instilling knowledge in their audience.
Further, it celebrates and explores African wildlife while educating viewers on the importance of environmental conservation.
The television production in East Africa has an outreach program led by WildlifeDirect to extend its reach to rural communities. This program, called the Nature Positive Kids Outreach, is targeting 10,000 children from 200 schools. Additionally, they will also launch a call for conservation project proposals in Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania.
On top of that, a digital extension of the program, the Team Sayari web-based app is also in the works. This will provide more engagement opportunities for nature enthusiasts. With the widespread use of technology, this app is a great way to reach a larger audience and get them interested and involved in conservation efforts.