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Gadgets That Have Made a Difference in Football


Technology- there have been major technological changes, and major advancements have been made. Due to these advancements in technology, many other things have also changed, including on the football field. Come with us as we explore the changes that technology has made in football.

Technology doesn’t just count on the field. It’s also used to help bring the fan into the game. These days you can find that games can be streamed live on the internet. They are also shown or broadcast on live tv for those who still prefer to sit with mates and have a little fun.

Technology has also brought about the ability to place a wager on the outcome of the game. A few betting sites allow this, such as 10bet launched in Africa and other sites you could place your wager on.

It’s important to note that there are a few good betting sites and that the best betting sites in Africa may be a click away.

Goal-Line Technology

The goal is one of the most important things in football because it helps determine who wins and who doesn’t. Thus the introduction of goal-line technology. This technology determines whether or not the ball has passed the goal line completely. If the goal has not been made past the goal line, it’s considered invalid. All the goal-line technology available today needs to be accurate. Information also needs to be given instantly. The goal-line technology should also be applied to all goal-line scenarios. The information gathered using goal-line technology should only be given to the match official.

Small Ball System

This technology is found within the ball. Within the ball, you will find sensor technology that you will find is suspended in the ball. This technology is used to track the ball during the game and give information about when the ball has crossed the goal line. It works hand-in-hand with sensors located on the field. The referee is given a smartphone where he gets all the information.

Hawkeye System

Previously this technology was used in cricket and tennis; however, it seems to be doing well on the football field. The system works with a set of cameras divided into three placed on the goal line. Each camera works at 600 frames per second and also helps in determining whether or not a goal is valid. The referee gets the news within a fraction of a second of the goal being made.

Goal Ref System

The goal ref system is a channel of magnets working together to determine whether the ball has crossed the goal line and operates through radio. This technology operates through low-frequency magnetic fields and works in two parts. You can find the first part of this system within the actual ball. The ball is equipped with a passive electrical circuit. The other part can be found in goal employing coils. Once the ball passes the goal line completely, the referee will be notified instantly.

Video Assistant Referee

This has been said to be a very controversial piece of technology that has been added to the list of incredible technology that assists the football world. This technology helps review decisions made about the game in terms of penalties, goal decisions and red cards. Speaking of identity, it can also identify mistaken identity within awarding a card. This technology records the game and helps officials make informed or educated decisions. The benefits of these games were discovered during the 2018 World Cup. Ever since then, it’s been part of the football world.

This technology is also used to monitor players’ activity, such as whether players are diving or not. It also helps to determine if a penalty is needed or not. Unfortunately, this didn’t sit well with a few people. Some feel that adding this technology has made the game lose its human factor. Football is all about human interaction, and they feel that this needs to be maintained. However, a little more accuracy would be very beneficial in fairness.

The good part is that it seems as though VAR isn’t going anywhere, which isn’t such a bummer.



Technology has changed football for the better by making accuracy a little better. This means that teams get what they deserve and all receive fair treatment. These choices can be made within seconds, and this technology operates as the second set of eyes for the referee.

There is so much more that industry experts are constantly working on. Who knows what the future of technology will bring to the beautiful game?


Feature image: Photo by Jonathan Petersson from Pexels

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