Twitter has been quite busy developing new tools meant to improve privacy for users and it looks like there’s just one more on the way. The social network has now begun testing a feature that will users remove followers without having to block them. This is currently being tested on the web and seems to turn the “soft block” concept into an official Twitter tool.
According to Twitter, users will be able to remove followers from the follower list on your profile page. All you have to do is click the three-dot menu next to a follower’s name, then click “Remove follower”. Your tweets will then stop showing up on their timeline.

Image courtesy Twitter
This comes at a time when to have someone unfollow you without their knowledge, you do a “soft block.” This is when you have to manually block someone so they cannot get access to your tweets. This forced those who you block to have to refollow you in order to see your tweets on their timeline again. And if you have protected tweets, they’d need your approval to become a follower again.
Testing similar functionality as an official Twitter feature is an admission that it could probably be easier and that people could benefit from it. It’s also yet another case of Twitter making the habits of its users official features, just like the @reply, hashtag, and retweet.
There are definitely more features on the way designed to add more granular control for users on the social platform.