
KCSE Results 2021 Announced: Here’s How To Get Them


The 2021 KCSE Results are expected to be announced today and students, parents, and guardians all over the country are trying to get the results from the KNEC. This article will show you how to get your results.

Word of advice before you check your results; whatever happens this is not the end of the world. This is the start of something new. Should you pass congratulations and keep pushing your dreams to higher heights.

Should the opposite occur and you do not get what you imagined, there’s still hope. You may have slipped but you have not fallen. Take this as a stepping stone to something new. Sort out your ideas, set new goals and dream new dreams.

It may not be the door that you wanted to open, but it is still a door you should go through with positivity. You never know what’s on the other side.

How To Get The KCSE 2021 Results

Send your index number to the number 20076 across all networks. It costs KES25. You will receive the results as soon as you CS Magoha announces them. We will update you when this happens.

As seen in most of the tweets today, a lot of students are nervous and that’s fine. This is the beginning of your life. How you chose to live it solely depends on you. Make a good choice.

For those who may not know, here’s how the KCSE is marked. The system is based on a numeric 12-point scale from 1-12 and an expanded letter grade ranging from A to E (A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, E).

The expanded letter grade means C+ is the ‘pass’ grade that allows students to join a public university.

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