At a time when you are so dependent on your internet for work, school or just entertainment, it would be a nightmare to have an outage of any kind. Well, it’s unfortunately happened for Airtel users around the country that have had a mobile data downtime.
It is not clear how long exactly the outage has lasted as it seems to vary with different subscribers. For some, it seems to have lasted the whole day yesterday. Others took to Twitter to complain that they have had issues with their mobile data even longer than that.
But if you have been having issues with your Airtel data, just know you aren’t alone. Luckily, Airtel Kenya did announce acknowledge the issue with the promise of working on the hitch.
“You might experience service intermittence while using Data. Kindly bear with us as we seek to resolve. We apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.” the statement reads.
There is no word from the telco on what exactly caused it.
But it is clear that it has affected a number of subscribers as many Kenyans as internet usage has proven to spike over the last few months.
As of April this year, regular internet data traffic was reported to going as high as 57.8 Gbps. This is a huge spike in comparison to 7.5 Gbps that was reported in January 2020.
In the same month, Safaricom PLC was reporting 40% traffic surge that saw 2.34 Petabytes of data via mobile and fixed home internet carried daily. In English, this translates to five million hours of continuous viewing.
By now, we could only assume that the number has gone even higher across ISPs and telcos. Hopefully, this does not to ever be too heavy for the service providers.