
Top FIFA 20 Pro Gamer Banned By EA For Life Over Abusive Messages

Kurt0411 banned by EA Sports FIFA 20

Kurt Fenech, a former eWorld Cup semi-finalist and top streamer was one whose career was in danger after a suspension from FIFA 20  by EA Sports over “abusive behaviour”. But now it seems like all his fears have come true after EA made it clear that they do not want him anymore. He has now been banned not only from FIFA but every other game that EA publishes.

The esports players and streamer’s woes began in November 2019 when he was banned from all FIFA 19 & 20 competitions that had been ongoing till this month. But this has now expanded to all of EA’s games and services with all his accounts blocked.

Why The Ban Though?

The ban was handed out earlier after EA claimed he threatened and insulted employees as well as other players at this competition. He was also seen on a video spitting on the EA company logo, saying “f*ck you, EA.”

The suspension, the pro gamer never seemed remorseful at all, claiming that, “anyone that plays video games has said that before to their opponents, especially in FIFA. The difference is, I’ve got a live camera in front of me.”

He also got pretty vocal showing his support for the hacking of EA’s social media accounts. Most recently, Kurt0411 highlighted a video where multiple FUT Champions Cup winner Donovan ‘Tekkz’ Hunt claimed nobody enjoys FIFA 20 after being knocked out of a tournament.

EA the released a lengthy statement on their Twitter account confirming that the esports player crossed the line with his personal attacks. For that, Kurt was banned from playing their games and accessing their services.

Since that time, Kurt has continued to post abusive and threatening messages and videos about EA employees and competitive players on social media and he has encouraged others to do the same.

“His messages have crossed a line of decency into very personal attacks and breach our Terms of Service. We will not tolerate threatening behaviour.

“As a result, today Kurt0411’s EA account will be banned from playing our games and accessing our services due to these serious and repeated violations.”

We build games and communities for players to have fun. Creating a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone without fear of harassment or abuse is a vital part of that.

What the future holds for the young gamer may seem dim although it is only a matter of time till we see what unfolds.

Kurt0411 has over 100,000 Twitch followers and just under 100,000 Twitter followers, having amassed over two million views on his videos.

Since the permanent ban, he has been contacted by popular Youtube channel #DramaAlert about making a documentary entitled ‘The man EA Sports wants to disappear’.

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1 Comment

  1. […] Incredibly stuff honestly…banning me from their esports events wasn't enough, trying to get my Twitch and YouTube channels banned wasn't enough, … Source link […]

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