Web Culture

Samsung Claims That Sharing Your Battery Life Could Land You a Date


Samsung Germany has released results of a study that it conducted with the help of 6500 participants. The study, in short, finds that using the company’s wireless PowerShare feature on their Galaxy S10 devices could actually land you a date.

The study claims that Samsung’s PowerShare is like “a gauge that reveals the true nature of human relationships”. Further, apparently, battery life has become a form of emotional currency which makes sharing your battery life with someone a “human bonding mechanism”.

It gets even crazier, Samsung’s study claims that sharing battery life can strengthen romantic connections.

whaat? gif

If you think that is bizarre, the whole study will leave you with a lot of questions and WTFs. There’s no clear reason why Samsung was carrying out the study other than as a means to publicize their wireless PowerShare feature but all in all, the numbers are quite interesting.

Below is a list of interesting outputs from the survey:

  • 35% of Europeans would rather have a fully recharged phone than receive money from someone
  • 14% of Europeans are willing to share their phone’s battery with strangers
  • 39% would only share their battery with colleagues
  • 72% would share their battery with family and close friends

Here’s where things get even more bizarre:

  • 62% of the study pool would buy coffee for a stranger as a gesture of appreciation for some battery life
  • 7% would actually go on a date with a stranger who has shared their battery with them
  • 21% would like if their date offered to share their battery with them
  • 76% of people would be unwilling to share their battery on the first date – they would wait until around the third date before they can consider this ??‍♂️

This study insinuates that a relationship is likely to hit the rocks if one partner is unwilling to share their battery juice. In line with this thought, we cannot help but wonder, for couples, would sharing your battery life with a stranger be equal to cheating?

We can already imagine getting home with 2% battery left and now you have to explain to your partner who you were with. Yikes!

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