Web Culture

Politician Unknowingly Tweets GTA 5 Game Play Video As Real Footage


This may turn out to be a fact used on the debate of how good video game graphics have gotten over the years and in this situation Rockstar Games should be proud of their work with GTA 5 that actually turned out to fool someone.

A Pakistani politician, Khurram Nawaz Gandapur, posted a video on his Twitter account showing a thrilling incident in which a landing plane narrowly averts an oil tanker that had just stopped on the runway.

Believing it to be a real-life occurrence, Gandapur was clearly impressed by the pilot’s quick decision-making and he went on to praise the pilot’s quick actions that “saved a lot of lives”.

It was later found out that the video was not a real-life incident but an extracted video from the popular action-adventure game, Grand Theft Auto (GTA).

Khurram Nawaz Gandapur again continued to tweet the video with a caption, “Narrow escape of an aircraft which could have ended in a great disaster. Miraculous save by the pilot’s presence of mind.”

Luckily (or unfortunately for him), the tweet in return got almost 1500 retweets and also went viral on Facebook.


The shocking response from fellow users and followers to the reply is what got people to actually run searches on Youtube that led to gameplay uploaded by a gamer, Umar Imran on his channel with the title “GTA5 – An Oil Tanker Accidentally Came in the Runway during landing of A380”.

Watching this video that outrightly gets anyone to identify as non-realistic may make you let out a loud chuckle but some may argue that we need to consider Gandapur’s age and instead be against the huge troll that he received on Twitter.

But others may actually consider marvelling at how video game graphics have become over the years and with the next consoles coming, how better they will get.

This, however, did not stop people from unleashing an all-offensive troll feast on the post that later got to be archived.


What we can all agree though is that the video is part of a game play from GTA 5.

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