CarsRocket Science

Apple’s Secret Self-Driving Car Project Fuels Out


News coming from Cupertino highlight that over 200 Apple employees have lost their jobs in a move that the company is referring to as an anticipated restructuring. The secret self-driving car project, titled Project Titan has been in motion since 2014 with rumours suggesting that the company could be working on a self-driving car.

Since then, the company has hired a number of high profile engineers from different car companies, further solidifying the belief that they could be working on a self-driving car. However, these rumours quickly faded away and a skeleton of Apple only working on software for self-driving cars emerged after the company laid off employees back in 2016.

The most that is known about Apple’s secret project, is that one of their cars was involved in a minor accident back in September last year. The rest remains under lock and key behind Apple’s glass walls. Not all employees from the project were laid off, a good number of them remained with the company but were moved to different departments.

“We have an incredibly talented team working on autonomous systems and associated technologies at Apple. As the team focuses their work on several key areas for 2019, some groups are being moved to projects in other parts of the company, where they will support machine learning and other initiatives, across all of Apple. We continue to believe there is a huge opportunity with autonomous systems, that Apple has unique capabilities to contribute, and that this is the most ambitious machine learning project ever,” said Apple’s spokesperson while speaking to CNBC.

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