
Safaricom To Reward Customers Everyday Celebrating M-Pesa Turning 15


There’s no party without gifts or at least cake. Now seeing as M-Pesa has so many friends and family, it may be hard for Safaricom to reward us all. Thus they are running a promotion to at least give back and say thank you for everything.

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Safaricom Celebrates M-Pesa Turning 15

As part of the 15-year celebrations, Safaricom will reward 15 customers and 15 businesses every hour for 15 days. The promotion will run from March 7th 2022 to March 22nd 2022.

If you send money or make payments through the M-PESA Super App and M-PESA Business Super App you are automatically part of the party. They will randomly select the winners and will get back 15% of the transaction value. This is up to a maximum of KES 1,000.

Thankfully, you probably use the M-Pesa app every day. Be it shopping, ordering food or paying for transport and government services, it’s pretty hard to avoid this service.

In fact, current statistics indicate that at least 9 million customers and 320,000 businesses have downloaded the M-Pesa Super App since its launch.

Safaricom also notes that they are not done. In addition to the Super App, M-Pesa Africa is revamping the platform to support more digital services. This will also include faster development of new products to achieve an increase in stability and reliability.

The platform revamp includes the expansion of the M-Pesa APIs to provide developers with access to the service. This will enable them to deploy more innovations on the service.

All said and done, we just have to wait and see what’s in store for us. Happy Birthday M-Pesa, to infinity and beyond!

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  1. Were is the gift

  2. I don’t see anything like gift or is just a scammers

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