Social MediaSoftware

Twitter Wants To Make Following Threads Much Easier

Twitter bird

It’s not long ago when Twitter decided to make threaded tweets a thing. This made it easier for people to follow stories that could only be told in multiple tweets, it also made it easier for the storytellers to send out their threads in one go.

Now, the company has announced a new feature that will help users follow threads, even if they don’t necessarily follow the creator of the thread.

We’ve seen people drop hot threads but are not able to complete their narration at that time but later on build on the thread. This presented a problem for users, as they had to keep going back to the profile of the creator to see if there are any new tweets added to the thread.

The new feature addresses these issues, by allowing tweeps to enable notifications for specific tweets, thus, when there are any replies to that tweet, you will be notified.

The feature is currently being tested on both Android and iOS with no set date for mass rollout.

Following Topics

On top of the new notifications for specific tweets, Twitter announced that they are working on letting users follow topics, the same way they follow accounts. How this will work is that users will follow a certain topic, say a sports team or a show and curated tweets will appear on the user’s timeline as they would from accounts the user follows.

The feature is also under testing and as of now, only sports-related topics are available. Twitter will be taking control of the topics that users will be able to follow, to keep some control on the platform.

This will also work in reverse order, allowing users to mute certain topics. For example, during the Game of Thrones excitement, you can choose to mute all tweets regarding the show and they will be kept away from your timeline.

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