It might almost sound like a bluff for a third-world country like ours to have a city with free and fast internet access for the public but yes, Telkom Kenya has announced to achieve this by providing free Wi-Fi hotspots at selected points in the CBD.
The project labelled Link Kenya Project, has been kickstarted by Telkom Kenya in association with the Nairobi County Government and Meelin Media Limited with a goal to have everyone get access to resources available freely on the internet and securely without the hassle of using their data.
Additionally, the project is meant to put an end to the huge gap in connectivity. This was put across by Telkom Kenya Managing Director, Kris Senanu, who adds that despite the fact that internet access has improved greatly thanks to the smartphones that we own now, it is all still made very difficult with the “prohibitive costs”.
This may seem like a jab at a rival company but it is important as well to note Telkom’s initiative with providing among the cheapest data plans in the country. It may then be reasonable that Telkom is the first company to have such a project underway and if successful, it will surely be greatly appreciated.
“We are continually working to connect people who keep Kenya on the move. This is at the core of our vision as a company. It is the reason we have the most unbeatable offers on data in Kenya today, and the Link Kenya Project enables us to facilitate internet access to even more people in Nairobi,” said Telkom’s CEO.
This was also reiterated by Meelin’s Managing Director, Davis Nyamari saying that with this initiative they are looking to connect people easily, freely and to give the people in the city a more urban experience.
The service will be made available at three spots in the CBD, i.e., Memorial Park, Ambassador and Aga Khan Walk which will also spot double-sided 55-inch LCD displays showing ads for the product’s maintenance.
This is a cool ? idea