
Sony Plans To Have PlayStation 5 As Its Most Eco-Friendly Console


The development of Sony’s next-gen PlayStation console whose details have been so secret to a point it’s annoying. But with the bits of information that have been released so far, we can bet this will be among the best. Well, Sony intends for PlayStation 5 to be even better.

The gaming giant has now revealed a new feature coming with the console. This will be a power-saving mode that will reduce the amount of energy used in each household. This is apparently an effort to reduce the carbon footprint left behind by the general population of gamers.

The CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, Jim Ryan the new feature comes in result to a new pledge to UN. Additionally, Ryan did give a hint on what the feature will mean for the upcoming console.

I am also very pleased to announce the next generation PlayStation console will include the possibility to suspend gameplay with much lower power consumption than PS4 (which we estimate can be achieved at around 0.5 W). If just one million users enable this feature, it would save equivalent to the average electricity use of 1,000 US homes.

Ryan also went on to explain how Sony was planning to cut down PS4’s energy drain. According to a report released in 2014, PS4 and Xbox One were found to both draw massive amounts of power in standby. This is with Xbox One leading with 15.7 watts and PS4, 8.5.

And even if you don’t give any whiskers about energy efficiency, you have to admit that moving from 8.5 to 0.5 watts is a pretty impressive move.

As mentioned prior, this sustainability drive comes in collaboration with other leaders in the gaming industry to “make formal commitments to contribute to the efforts of the UN Environment committee through a new partnership, the Playing for the Planet alliance”.

However, this is set to affect the console’s hardware as well as the games that Sony chooses to bring on board. So maybe it will be up to developers to step up.

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