
How To Set Up And Use PS Remote Play To Play PS4/PS5 Games On Mobile Devices

remote play ps5

If you are unable to access your TV but still want to get your PS5 fix, PS Remote play will help you out. PS Remote Play is a free feature that lets you stream your PS5’s screen to your mobile device. You can also stream to another PS5 or PS4. It’s a great way to play your favourite games on the go. Although I wouldn’t recommend making this your default way to play games, it’s a great way to get by when necessary.

Here’s how to set up and use PS Remote Play to play PS5 games on mobile devices.

How to install PS Remote Play app on your device

  1. Install the Remote Play app from Google Play Store or the App Store on your mobile device.

This app can be used to connect your PS5 and PS4 consoles.

How to set up PS4/PS5 console for PS Remote Play

  1. From the home screen, select Settings > System > Remote Play.
  2. Turn on Enable Remote Play.

To start PS Remote Play while your PS5 console is in rest mode:

  1. Select Settings > System > Power Saving > Features Available in Rest Mode.
  2. Then select the checkboxes for Stay Connected to the Internet and Enable Turning on PS5 from Network.

How to start PS Remote Play from your mobile device

  1. Turn on your console or put it into rest mode.
  2. Launch PS Remote Play on your mobile device and select Sign In to PSN. Sign in with the same account that you use for your console.
  3. Select PS5 or PS4. The app searches for the console that you’ve signed in to using your account, and then connects to the console automatically. After it connects, the screen of your console displays on your mobile device and you can start using PS Remote Play. If multiple consoles are found, select the console you’d like to use.

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  1. Subiect fascinant! Mulțumesc pentru link-ul către aceste informații utile. Mereu am fost interesat de jocurile pe consolă, dar recent interesul meu s-a îndreptat către dezvoltarea de jocuri și IT. Datorită articolului de pe am primit un impuls mare pentru dezvoltarea mea. Ea a spus clar că IT nu este doar așezat la un computer, ci o lume largă de posibilități, de la asamblarea computerelor până la dezvoltarea de produse software. Resursele de informații precum GoIT ajută la înțelegerea a ceea ce fac de fapt profesioniștii IT și permit tuturor să navigheze în acest domeniu. Acest lucru este incitant, mai ales știind că cererea de profesioniști IT este în creștere, iar oportunitățile în acest domeniu se vor extinde abia în câțiva ani. Daca si tu te gandesti la o cariera in IT, te sfatuiesc sa citesti acest articol!

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