JTL Increases Faiba Home Internet Prices By 5%

Image courtesy Craving Tech

The recently amended Finance Bill is quickly taking action as various telcos and ISPs now start to make changes in their service rates. Jamii Telecommunications (JTL) has now joined the crew by announcing a 5% price increase on Faiba Home internet service. The news was made known to the service’s customers on July 2nd as the changes were scheduled to take effect from July 1st 2021.

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“As a result of tax changes introduced by the government of Kenya, we hereby notify you of a 5% price increase on our Faiba Home product effective 1st July 2021,” the statement from JTL reads.

“This has been necessitated by changes introduced under Section 32(b) of the Finance Act 2021 which was accented to by the President on 30th June 2021 and which increases excise duty on internet services from 15% to 20%.”

The firm goes on to inform its clients that any invoices issued from July 1st will reflect the price increase and cancel any for the month prior to the change.

The Finance Bill 2021 is one that definitely hasn’t been received well by Kenyans who will be left paying the tax. This was made clear when Airtel Kenya announced an increase in the cost of calls in accordance with the new excise duty. Luckily, no changes were made on data and voice bundle prices that are popular among subscribers.

This move by JTL could also mean that customers of other services like Safaricom Home and Zuku should brace themselves for any similar news from their ends. What is clear is that the weight of taxes in the country is just about to get heavier.

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