
Twitter Thinking of Letting Users Limit Certain Tweets To Trusted Friends

Image courtesy Sprout Social

With all platforms fighting for a bigger slice of the social media pie, tis the season to consider new updates. The guys over at Twitter in this case are thinking about a few updates that you might enjoy. Twitter is thinking of introducing “Trusted Friends” which would let users limit the audience for select tweets to a smaller circle of close friends.

TikTok Feed

Twitter Trusted Friends: The Thought

The feature resembles Instagram’s Close friends that let you limit who can see your stories. Essentially, Trusted Friends could offer a button to let you choose whether a tweet should be public or only for friends.

Twitter Trusted Friends

Aside from this they are also thinking about “Facets”. This could let you categorize your tweets when you send them. It will probably offer more granular control, which may let you sort your tweets into not just professional and personal categories. Twitter says you might then be able to follow someone just for their tweets on a certain topic, rather than having to follow their account as a whole.

Finally, Twitter is also considering letting users list certain phrases that they’d rather not see in their replies. It is important to note that the company says that none of these features are currently in active development.

Features like Trusted Friends and Facets could allow for users to tweet about personal news or work stuff from a single account. This would let you keep a single account without having too many pseudo accounts.

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